I believe every life of ours is unique, and every single person can change and enrich this world in their own, individual ways. I consider it to be our duty to put in the time and understand who we truly are, what we believe in and what we want to use our life for.
This journey requires us to explore, be honest about our feelings towards collected experiences, and hone in on what we find to be close to our heart. And when we put in the work to unlock ourselves, we can use our potential to make the world a better place - to co-create a world we truly love to live in. The notion of growth is prevalent to all of it: build a new skill, gain deeper understanding about the world, improve our craftsmanship.
The tools we have available however do not optimise for our growth
They optimise for watch-time, click-through-rates, conversion-rates, engagement or productivity. There, we’re either a consumer or a worker, and while those tools and platforms have their place in our life, they don’t meet our (or at least my) need for helping us to live a more profound life.
So this is it
I want to create a space with Batchbrew where we can go deep with the things that caught our interest, evolve our understanding and build actionable skills. A space that we own, where we control what goes in, own what influences us, decide ourselves how fast we go, and what we direct our attention to. A space that grows alongside our mind, that helps us to understand life and find and follow our own path.
Humanity offers us profound ideas about life, science, and purpose. Advancement happens when we can surround ourselves with the best of them, take them in, rip them apart, question their foundation, rebuild the concepts from the pieces, and discover our own position relative to the ideas that other people threw in. This is the moment when influences turn into insights, knowledge and skills, which we can apply throughout our life. Batchbrew is intended to empower us to do all of this, and ultimately to live a meaningful, aligned life.